How to make a lie believable?

So i told my dad i got a 80 in trigonometry so i took a screenshot of my school grades which are online and i edited out my 75 and made it an 80… My dad gave me a iPhone for having all my grades 80 and above but my mom can't make it to the parent teacher meeting so my dad is going AND HE IS GOING TO FIND OUT I HAVE A 75 so i called him and told him that i got my report card and told him that my trigonometry teacher changed my grades at last minute. He bought it but he says he's gona ask the trigonometry teacher about it… How do i make them both believe a different lie? Any advice Please

Idiot. You shouldn't have lied in the first place.

The teacher is gonna blow your cover. Their word is far more credible than yours.

You shouldnt lie in the first place it will bite you in the but.

75 isn't a bad score. Youre best of telling your teacher that youre wprried about your dads reaction and that you told him you had 80 and that your tutor changed it.

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