How to Make Awesome Music Videos on iPhone 4?

How can I make trailers, or edit videos to have different effects? Awesome effects, maybe slow mo, fast mo, transitions and all that? I want to get into stuff like that.

Name some apps and what they can do please. The ones you love and what you use them for.

You need a video editing software.
start with free Windows Movie Maker (Windows) or iMovie (Mac)

You could try out AVS Video Editor. It's a new editing suite that allows you to edit and mix
any combination of audio, video and photos. You can cut and edit, add effects, text, split
screen, reverse, slow-motion etc, plus upload your video directly to YouTube through the

There's a free forever lite version and paid pro version available.

You can check it out here:

Hope this helps

Windows movie maker is a nice free video editing software