How to make iPhone 5 shuffle more randomly?

I've created a playlist in iTunes with 3 artists, artist A has 150 songs, and artist B and C have 150 between them, so i'm expecting to have artist A on more of the time, but so far I've listened to 23 songs, I've had 2 songs from artist B, 2 from artist C, and 19 from artist A!

It's not just this playlist that it happens, it seems to pick an artist and play that artist a lot more commonly than other artists even when i'm playing my entire music library, (5k+ songs)

Does anyone know a way around this? I need to change it on my iPhone rather than iTunes, as i very rarely actually listen to music off iTunes.

I would say it just the luck of the draw. Perhaps you listen to that artist more so it assumes you like it more.

Rub some bacon on it!