How to make money at the age of 13?

I asked my mom if I could get the iPhone 4 as my phone upgrade since it is the near the end of my 2 year contract. But I have to pay for it myself. It is 100 dollars and I already have earned 40 dollars. I can't do babysitting in my neighborhood because it is one of those area that is filled with just retired people that have no kids. My neighbors don't really like my family because we're so loud (Big family with 5 kids) so I can't really do any chores for them. I like to donate old clothes and toys to the local shelter and charities so selling stuff on Ebay wouldn't work. I already babysit my younger siblings but my mom doesn't pay me much for that. Any tough house hold chores that should pay well would be nice. I really want to buy this because my phone is broken and I want to have a phone before school starts and it will show my mom I can be independent and earn my own money. I think it will make her trust me a but more and whenever I buy something expensive I feel proud of myself for earning the money. I want to keep earning money and put it into my back account that my mom opened for me a few months ago.

You can actually earn money lots of ways. You now only need 60 bucks.
You can:
- Wash bicycles(i do that i make a killing) $10
- Walk dogs $10
- Yard sale
- Some online surveys (pine cone research, survey savvy )
- Dog sit
- Garden for your neighbors
- Help your elderly (run errands etc.)
- Try and get a paper route
You can also go on swag bucks and save up points for an iPhone but it will take more time than any of the jobs listed, but you can use swag bucks to get other things to.