How to operate apple iphone 4s?

Hello friends please help me in operate 4s its new for me… How to download free music specialy bollywood and videos… How to close the working apps… And other tips you know about it… Like how increase battery life… Making iphone more useful etc…

Hey first you need a Wi-Fi ntwrk to make a account for application dwnload

then use the user guide it will help you to use your iphone.listen iphone 4 is not so hard to use. Just try it.

if you want to delete msg and cookies etc.

first double click on your menu button this wil shw icons vibrating at there place touch it and you can dlt it

and make your id in

your id should contain alphanumeric and special symbls.

bst f luck try it it will help you.

and if any other querry just ask.