How to post a link name in facebook application using the iphone?

How to post a link name in facebook application using the iphone?

At first link name is copied and paste in face book application using the i phone.

I was wondering the same thing. I can't figure it out and it is driving me crazy!

The first thing you have to do is to register your app with Facebook. It's an extremely simple process:

1.Go to the Facebook developers portal, log in, and allow access to the Developer application.
2.Click the button "Set Up New Application", give it a name (the name of your application will do), and click "Create Application".
3. Now you'll be at a screen where you can edit the details of the application. You'll probably want to set the description and logo, but the rest is really optional for now.
4.Finally, record the values in "API Key" and the "Secret" sections. You'll need those later!
5.Update: smaug from the comments section mentioned that he had to set the iPhone application ID in the Advanced tab to the app ID for his app to get it to work вЂ" so you may need to set this as well if you have problems!