How to protect your kids online?

I'm looking for a way of preventing my kids being able to visit certain websites and have more protection when 'googling' online. Ideally I would like to control the flow of internet from my home router without having to install software on laptops and other mobile devices such as iphones etc.
Does anyone have any ideas?

Listen dude, don't smother your kids they will think you don't trust them, and that will hurt their self esteem. Also you shouldnt be worried unless they are talking to pedo bears. But if you Really want to ''protect them'' install hidden camera's on the computer or check their history if they deleted it then ask them why they don't have history on their computer >:)

Hope I helped!

They shouldn't see anything they don't search for; and if they do look up certain things, who cares? It's their life. Trust them to make their own decisions.

Right. Good luck with that. No matter what you do they're still going to find ways to do what they want. That's just how it is. Unless you don't let them have those devices and lock your computer except for when you're right there, they'll still do all those things.

You can block them from using certain web sites but you need to stay involved with them. If you get involved in a positive way and share interests they will let you know what they have been doing without feeling offended about it. You can check history of visited website. Kids need to be watched until they are on their own.

No. All you can do is tell them not to communicte with people over the internet. No matter how much software you install, they're going to run into something inappropriate.