How to put videos that i downloaded from torrent onto iphone?

I downloaded a movie torrent and now its just a file. How do i get that file, or whatever to play on my iPhone.

Added (1). I can make it play on Windows media player.

Added (2). What app is good? And once its in MP4 format how do i app it to iPhone.

Added (3). Alright when it says select file i can't find it. Maybe its not an avi?

Added (4). I'm still a little confused about what to do

Not "or whatever". You got it right the first time. It really is a file. Matter of fact, it has a file name. Does the name end with AVI? Use a converter app to convert it to MP4, the modern file format for video. (AVI is a Microsoft-only format used by older versions of Windows.)

MediaCoder / Videora Converter / Any Video Converter / Handbrake

Because a third of all PC geeks still use Windows XP, they stick with AVI, a very old video format that has poor compression results, and doesn't work well with the latest codec (H.264). If Windows 8 doesn't become another Vista disaster, maybe these guys will step into the deep end of the pool and get rid of XP soon… Nah!

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