How to retrieve iphone 4&5 deleted browsing history?

Trying to retrieve iphone browsing history I deleted on safari. I tried dr iphone n it gave y computer a virus… Please help so important!

Sorry to say this but you probably can't retrieve history you've deleted in your iPhone

Because iTunes doesn't back that up

Do you by any chance remember what you browsed?

There's no way to retrieve the history… I'm pretty sure you can't but if your are lucky you MIT be able to find a way on google somewhere,…

I've been using ipad 4 and I was never able to retrieve browsing history.

You can retrieval from the DataBase inside iPhone

Some vital data likes borowsing history, Contacts, SMS, Notes, Call histories and more are stored in the dataBase. When you delete these files accidentally, those deleted feels are still stored in the dataBase.
You can backup your iphone now and next recover them with some iPhone Recovery Tool. It may not be free.