How to see my past purchased apps on App Store?
- I want to see what apps I paid for in the past on my other iphone and see if IIm interested in any of them so then I can download them onto my new iphone
- I've been through some of Top Paid and found some with the little cloud thing (so I don't have to pay again)
Go to updates, and on the top it will say purchased. If you had the same Apple ID, it should show the apps.
- Is there any apps to see when your phone has been opened and what apps where opened when? (On IPhone)? So my friends have been snooping on my I phone 6 and close out all the apps they have gone on afterwards. I don't mind them snooping because I have nothing I don't mind them seeing but I want to be able to see what apps they opened. Is there any apps to see when your phone has been opened and what apps where opened?
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- How to see all the apps I had previously installed in the app store? I had this app on my iPhone that I deleted. Now I want that app again but I can't remember what it is called. Is there a way to see all the apps I have installed before?
- How to redownload an app removed from App Store and doesn't show up in my purchased apps on iTunes? I downloaded a music app on iPhone and apple removed it from the App Store and I then got a new iPhone and I'm trying to re download the app again but i can't find it anywhere on my iTunes account. I still have the app on my old iPhone btw. If anyone has any software, advice that I can use would be appreciated;)