How to Speed up pokemon diamond emulator?

I have a nintindo ds emulator for my iPhone 5. The name of the emulator is "nds4ios". I got This emulator so that I wouldn't have to jailbreak my phone which I don't want to do. And my rom is pokemon diamond which I got from cool and everytime I play it the character barely even moves. How can I make him move fast? Do I need another rom or emulator?

Sorry man, nds emulators for iPhone, care all in very early stages, so they're all very laggy. I recommend if you have a computer available, and want to play Pokemon 4th gen games, get "No$Gba" it's very simply if you just mess with it a bit. And the ROM's work like a charm, that and also it has action replay cheats, an codebreaker cheats enabled and ready to use.

The iphone will never play DS. The cpu is far too weak.
Even when its fully optimized for the device, you will still need anywhere from a 1.5-2.0ghz cpu for full speed.

And for computer, no$gba sucks… Get

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