How to stop an iphone update that will competely restore my phone?
I was trying to update my iphone (4) to ios6.1, and it told me to connect my phone to itunes. So i plugged my phone into the computer, and itunes popped up and had a message saying "itunes has detected an iphone in recovery mode. You must restore this iphone before it can be used with itunes." i'm not sure why it says that because i have always used this phone with this same computer and this has never happened. My phone is now stuck on the screen telling me to connect to itunes and i have tried to turn it off and back on again but just keeps going back to that same screen. It breaks my heart to have to restore my phone because i have videos on there of my daughter taking her first step and i don't want to lose that forever!
Try unplugging it and holding the home and power buttons until it turns on. I'm not sure if that's the correct method, but I believe I did that for my iPhone when the same thing happened. If it doesn't work try holding just the home button and vice versa. Hope I helped and good luck!
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