How to tell if a guy likes you? - 2

So a couple months ago when I first met and started talking to my crush, I KNOW he liked me. But we go to different school's so after a while we started to drift apart. After not talking for a couple weeks. He made a twitter and followed me. He was going through my tweets and favorited 2 pictures I posted of myself. Last monday I tweeted him saying hey and asked how he was. We talked for a little and he was sad about something. So I told him if he needed to talk he could text me. He said "thanks. " but didn't text me. Thursday he snapchatted me (iphone app where you send pictures back and forth) and we were snapchatting for hours sending random faces back and forth. Then he randomly wrote "you look pretty". Even though I had no makeup on and I thought I looked a mess. Then Friday he snapchatted me again in school but he never replied to the one I sent. He probably got distracted or something.

But if this week goes by and he doesn't contact me I'm just gonna be confused. Sometimes I feel like he likes me and other times I'm confused. I wished him good luck at his soccer game yesterday over twitter. So I didn't really wanna make another move.

It's very, very simple hon. The girl never, never becomes the aggressor, she waits patiently for the guy to initiate something and she replies back to him, but she herself never gets ahead of the guy, she doesn't jump ahead of him and take matters into her hands and take charge. If he doesn't pursue her hot 'n heavy, then he just is not that into you. Simple as that.

When a guy wants a girl, he chases after her relentlessly. He's in your face. Guys are the aggressors and they will not take no for an answer if he really wants you. And that's how you know if a guy likes you. Anytime a girl has to be the aggressor, the guy couldn't care less about her. He'd never be rude to you, not ever, but he's not gonna make much of an effort to win your heart. Sorry. But those are the facts hon.

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