How to tell if she likes you from texting?

Texting is kind of annoying, but it's just how we communicate now I guess. I'd rather talk on the phone but sometimes I'm just not in the mood for that, so I'll text girls instead. What are some signs that a girl likes you through texting?

Here are a few things I've been able to notice from one girl in particular just from her texting (in person is a different story of course), let me know what you think:
-Fast, interested replies (like 5 minutes), and long conversations when we text (like 3 hours).
-Pretty long replies. A mix between medium length ones and long ones, and we talk about whatever and joke a lot
-Lots of "haha"s and "lol"s
-Playful sarcastic jabs or compliments from both of us, but I wouldn't say it's overly excessive or overtly flirtatious but neither of us are really like that.
-Some smilie faces, not many winks -- we both have iPhones and she uses a lot of different Emoji smilies, just not many winks. Like, I think two is the most I've ever gotten from her.

I have done that too once well not all that but like A couple but I was texting just my friend Just Friends I smile because I'm happy about something or like I'm happy I'm talking too him becauseem bored but don't be too paranoid if you really want to know if she likes you then Just ask her just be cool with it like " Hey I need too ask you a question I just wanted too know if you like me I just want to know No reason" And Yeah

Lots of "haha"s? Clearly marriage material. It's all about the "haha"s.