How to Transfer Apps/Data From An iPhone 4S To An iPhone 5?
I'm getting an iPhone 5 for my birthday, and I have had my iPhone 4S for a year now, so all of my apps and data are on it. So I was just wondering if there was anyway that I can transfer all of the data on my phone to the new one?
Use the iCloud. This will store all of your documents and data, including your apps, settings and data. This also includes game saves. And when you start up your iphone 5, set it up as an iCloud back up when it prompts you to do so. The iCloud should be in your settings of your current iPhone. Just back the 4s up to it.
Restore it on iTunes. If its the first time. Make sure no one else has used iTunes. And cancel sync then back it up. Once you get the iPhone. Just sync it.It'll load everything and make it exactly like the other iPhone.
If alot of pictures and videos, then use itunes (or just copy all those to your computer, you don't need all those on the phone). If just contact and apps, then I would use icloud.
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