How to transfer game saves/points between iOS devices?

I recently purchased a new iPhone 5 to replace my 5th gen iPod touch. I transferred all the games I have on my iPod to my iPhone through my iTunes account, but when I open the games on my iPhone, none of the points or progress I have saved on my iPod touch game show up. It's as if I just downloaded the app. Is there anyway to transfer my already earned points or progress in the game on one device to the game on the other device!

Is your saved data still i your ipod touch? If so, you could use the icloud, to back up your app data so you can downlad it from your iphone, although you would have to complely reset your iphone in order to do the process, since it asks you if you want back up from icloud from the beginning of the setup. If you haven't backed up anything nor have ever activated icloud, that saved data is long gone.

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