How to transfer iPhone/iPod/iTouch to computer?
How to transfer iPhone/iPod/iTouch to computer?
You just have to connect your iPOD/iPhone to the computer using the USB.
wait for a few seconds.
the computer will read your device
Well the charger of the iphone, ipod and itouchs have a usb to pluge into the computer (i'm not sure about the iphone 5) Hope this helps.
For PC iTunes requires 10.01 for iPhone 5
iPad 3/4 and iPod touch 5
Like others say above! ^
Macintosh or apple computers requires
iTunes 10.01 for above products
Can use USB cable or over wi-fi
How over wi-fi/ same Wi-Fi network,…
Settings, General, iTunes Wi-Fi snyc/should say snyc now!
iTunes account must match with apple products you have!
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