How to transfer music from one iphone to another? - 2

I have one macbook and one itunes with my own music on. My dad has two iphones; his old one has his music on and he wants to transfer it to his new one. How do I transfer it without getting rid of my own music?

So - Dad does not have his own computer and iTunes account? That would be sensible and easy. If for some reason, he does not want to do this, and you are stuck doing it thru YOUR iTunes account, here goes: Go though All 3 phones, and the iTunes account, and shut off anything that says SYNC, automatic, Sync thru Air - everything. Look deep. THEN plug his old phone into your account, and MANUALLY move the music off that old phone, into iTunes. Then remove his phone. THEN plug in his NEW phone. DRAG only the checked music that HE wants, onto his new phone. You should be fine. Now - some things will not be perfect you might be missing album art, or one alb, might just called Compilation s or something - so this might need further cleaning up, but at least the music will be there. Some people do not care, as long as they can find their stuff - other people become obsessive neat freaks about the inner working of their phone. You know, you can actually RTFM - Read The #4%^)(& Manual - the iTunes instructions or the instructions that came with his phone. ITunes leans everything towards "what did you BUY from US?" - but they also will tell you about dragging non-iTunes music, too. I do this all the time - we own several thousand CDs, and rip the music - we never every buy things from iTunes, but have some Amazon purchases that we sent to multi devices, and the Amazon Cloud (we have several Clouds, too -all free -there's a thought- you phone is never ever FULL that way. You just grab your stuff when on free Wi-Fi.) So take your time, experiment a LITTLE, but shut off all the automatic synching, and YOUR music, when you plug in your phone will then NOT r be replaced by Dad's stuff. I do very little automatic - it takes SECONDS to stay in control of your stuff, and often many minutes - or hours - to fix a screw-up - which we All do.

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