How to transfer my pictures andmusic from my android to my iphone?

How can i transfer my pictures andmusic from my android to my iphone?

You can either use:
Bluetooth to transfer but make sure you pair both of them first (only transfer individual files).


Transferring Videos and Music
Connect your android to your PC by using your USB cable and put your android phone as disk drive mode. Your PC will then detect the android phone and will appear as an external hard drive. Once that's done, create a folder on your desktop so you can drag and drop all of your files.

Importing Music or Movies to iTunes
Once you've transferred all videos and music into your folder. Go to your iTunes (latest version 11.0) and on the left hand corner of iTunes Window, you will find a small button (underneath the reverse/play button). Press that button and select 'Music' (this is your Library). Once you select the correct library - Go to 'File' look for 'Library' select 'Import playlist' (top left hand corner of the screen). I recommend trying it out with one album or one music first before importing all of it. And then Sync your iPhone to iTunes.

Transferring Contacts.
If you want to transfer your contacts. Go to your Contacts and press the import/export. Then press the Export to Storage. Select all the contacts within your android and select OK.

When looking for your saved CONTACTS, search for the VCF file and drag and drop it into your desktop.(this is when you connected your android to PC as disk drive mode).

Email your VCF files (contact files) from your PC to your iPhone email account (considering you already set up your email account on your iPhone already) and then open the email in your iPhone. Press the attachment which will be located on the bottom of the message (scroll down the message). Then on the top of the display it should have 'Add all contacts'. Press this and it will save all your contacts to you iPhone.

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