How to turn an iPod touch into an iphone?
I have an iPod touch, as you can tell, and I was wondering is it Possible to turn it into an iPhone if it isn't possible I atleast want it to look like an iPhone with the same apps!
Point your magic wand at it and say 'zing!'.
I don't think thats possible… Just buy an iphone: p
You can download Whatsapp to text people & download icall or viber to call people.
Can you answer mine please: Thanks
I would like to turn a hotdog into a hamburger. I'm hungry.
An iPhone has (at least) cellular connection technology - 3G. An iPod does not. There's no app for that. There's no jailbreak for that. You can use some apps like pinger to turn it into a phone using Wi-Fi, but that will suck the battery very quickly, and you'll only be able to use it near a router you can connect to.
"want it to look like an iPhone"
Physically it won't - their form factors are very different.
Partially. So far, there's no 3G support for the iPod touch. However, you can download this great app called Talkatone, which you can use to call, and text people for free! The only problem is that when you are not on Wi-Fi, you can't call or text. You need Wi-Fi or 3G to do it.
Buy some apple equipments
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