How to turn off the network connection on my iPhone 5?

I'm going to Mexico soon and I want to bringgm iphone 5 with me so I can listen to music and take pictures but I don't want to be charged from receiving texts! Do I just take my SIM card out? Or can I turn it off another way?

You can go to Settings and turn on Airplane mode, if you'd like. This will turn off any of the cell tower connections, Wi-Fi, etc. If you need to use the internet, pulling out your SIM card will work, too. Just remember that it will probably continue to bother you that no SIM is inserted.

Air plane mode and also call service provider to make sure that is safe but I went on a cruise to Jamaica and Mexico and I have an iPhone 4 and I just kept it on airplane mode the whole time

Put the phone in airplane mode. It will block all incoming texts, and phone calls will go directly to voicemail

Put it in airplane mode