How to update the Whatsapp version 2.8.7 on my 3g Iphone (IOS 4.2.1)?
I used to have it and it worked perfectly but a couple of days ago it stopped working and it keep showing me a msg saying: "Sorry your version of the app is too old. Please download the latest version from the app store" and when I tried to download the new version it gave me this msg: "This app requires IOS 4.3"
The iPhone 3G is a very old phone so the latest update it can get is iOS 4.2.1, therefore you can't get the newest version of WhatsApp as it requires a later iOS. If I were you, I would just get a new iPhone that can actually get all the new updates.
Then you must try to update your phone… What's the problem in that… New software will b available for 3g… Try updating that…
Can't. The latest version of WhatsApp requires an iOS version higher than what your iPhone can upgrade to. You'd need to get a 3GS at least in order to get iOS 4.3 or higher (highest & latest is 6.0.1)
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