How to use the kindle app on iphone?
I have downloaded the kindle app to my iphone but when I try to use it it ask me for my amazon account details - I don't have an amazon account - can anyone help please
Amazon account is indispensable to use Kindle device as well as Kindle app, which is used to identify your user ID and you can't buy any Kindle books including free Kindle books without an amazon account registered.
Just go to amazon's homepage and apply for one, which is quite easy and totally free.
You have to have an Amazon account to use the app. Just go to Amazon's website and create one. It's completely free.
You must create an amazon account before you can us the Kindle app. Creating an Amazon account is free. Here you may find more details on using Kindle app for iPhone:
Hope this helps.
Ok, since you have downloaded kindle app in your iPhone, you just need to register with the same account as your kindle account information, then you can use this to read kindle books you bought from amazon.
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