How to you build the community center on sims freeplay on iphone?

I need CLEAR detailed instructions on how to build the community center. Also where do I send my sim to work? The brief case has not lit up yet. I'm on level 21 with $100, 000 + dollars.

The community center is located in the far left side of the town, up top near the beach (it used to be called the sports center but that changed when they added second floors). You should be able to build it if you are not building anything else and have enough cash and sims. You build by tapping on the little house looking icon in a circle above it. That will bring up a pop-up with the cost, time and how much value it adds to your town. (How much it costs will depend on what else you have built.)

Have you built any of the the job buildings? They are the Science Lab, Gallery, Town Hall, Firehouse, Recording Studio, School, Movie Studio, Stadium and Real Estate Office. You need to have the specific one for the job you want your sim(s) to have. Those buildings correspond with Scientist, Artist, Politician, Firefighter, Musician, Teacher, Actor, Athlete and Real Estate Agent.

Each building costs more to build than the previous one. Also, each job has different hours, and you have one hour before the scheduled start time until two hours after it to send your sim to work. Athletes start work at 8am. Scientists, Actors, Teachers, and Real Estate Agents start work at 10am. Politicians do so at noon. Artists begin work at 5pm, and Musicians get busy at 7pm. Firefighters start the latest at 9pm. (I have a lot of Artists, Firefighters and Musicians because I keep late hours.) Chose the time(s) that work best for you and build those first, if you haven't built them already. Once you build a building, tap on the briefcase on the SimTracker and it will pull up the Job tab for you. There you can give a sim a job by clicking on them and choosing which job they are assigned. Hope this helps some!


How much is it?

I'm saying it as in the community center