How young is too young for an iPhone, iPad, or iPod for kids to own?

I heard Apple was considering making a child friendly iPod, but apparently "iTouch Kids" didn't go over very well. *shrug*

Around 13ish

69th trimester

I don't think they're ever too young for iPad because they can do educational things on it

ITouch Kids. Lol.

(I'm going to steal it and pass it off as my own)

Lol, my boys would never get an itouch. Pervy would enjoy that way too much. My kids are 7 and 8 and have Ipod touch's. They are way beyond the skill level of an ipod touch at their age.

My 5 year old nephew knows how to use my iPad. He knows how to face time. I'll accept his face time calls and every time all I hear is a bunch of high pitched squeals and all I see the back of my sisters head.

No need to market iKids, they are already hooked. It should be called iKiddy crack.

Below 13.

Any age as long as they know how to learn to work with it and be productive.

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