Huge other bar on my iTunes?
I have a 32GB 3rd generation iPod Touch. It was picking up dust for a long time when I got my first iPhone. Recently, I restored my iPod and have it just for music purposes. I have about 13GB of music on there and one app (Pandora). There's nothing else on there except for all the preloaded apps.
So when I connect it to iTunes, the little bar on the bottom that tells how much space is left and what's taking up how much space, it tells me that there's the 13 gigs of music, the 16MB of Pandora and then about 12GB of "Other".
I understand that a small portion of the "Other" is the iOS and such, but why is so much space taken up?
Anyway I can fix this?
It could be that pandora is storing all the music you play with it on the iPod as other.
I can't think of anything else that could cause it.
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