I accidentally dropped my iphone 5s in the kitchen sink, what should I do?

So today I was putting a plate in the sink and I had my phone in my other hand and the phone slips out of my hand and fell in the sink, I quickly got my phone and I dried it off with a paper towel, at first I thought my phone was alright but then it turned out that my phones screen was acting very weird, so 5 minutes after I dropped my phone I put my phone in a ziplock bag with rice and I have my phone turned off. I'm so upset because this is the only phone I have and I don't know what to do. It wasn't in the water for that long and I had a thick phone case on my phone

This post seems awfully familiar.
anyway: [quote] 15 steps:
#1. Take the phone out of the water as soon as possible. Ports for hands free kit, tiny hole for microphone, charging, usb cable connectivity and the plastic covers on cell phones even though tight can freely allow water to enter the phone in a just a few seconds of time. Grab your phone quickly, and turn it off immediately, as leaving it on can cause it to short circuit - if it has been in water, assume it is waterlogged whether it is still working or not.

All you have 2 do is take some rice out it inside a bowl then bury your iPhone in the rice for about 24hrs it should work after that

Yeah, phones in general, when the water hits, it short circuits the system. A lot of people put it in rice, i eat rice, and well, you have to put a lot of water in rice for it to actually absorb it all and puff up. The best i can say is leave it in the sun for a day, and let it dry out. If it doesn't help, you may have to approach an apple "genius" and tell them about the water damage. Either that, or find a 3rd party fix it service. *Note that having a 3rd party service fix your phone will void your phone's warranty*. So let it dry out in the sun a day or two so the moisture is dried out, and if it still refuses to work, consult an apple "genius" or a 3rd party service.
PS, yeah, it sucks, submerging any phone that is not water proof (water resistant is not water proof) will short circuit the phone, no matter how short or how long the phone spent its time bathing in the liquid, it will short circuit. Also, any case that is not labeled as waterproof, will not protect your phone from water damage.

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