I'm freaking out over my grades, what can I do? I feel ashamed?
This is what I got:
English: D
Geography: B
Maths: C
Philosophy: C
Science: B
Art: B
I feel like I'm going to cry, I have worked really hard this year and my parents said I was doing great and even bought me an Iphone for it. But then this terms grades brought it down. I've never gotten that low in English and I'm beating myself up so much over this report. I feel so stupid and am so ashamed. I let myself down as well as my parents.
I've put so much pressure on myself to do well this last year, with all my friends winning accademic awards and my siblings getting top of the class in what they do.
How can I see this in a positive way?
Think of it this way you can only bring your grades up. Don't be so hard on yourself man. I call everybody man so sorry if you're a girl.
What? An iphone? I make straight As in IB-Level classes and my mother never even asks about my grades. I sign my own progress reports. Sorry to say but it's because they spoil you. You get good grades for them and material items and NOT for yourself, or for the sake of excelling academically. My friends are generally dumb and so is my sister, so not sure why I'm so intelligent. It's just the way we're born. Also, MY SECRET TO GOOD GRADES is to not care…
You get a test, you say, "what happens, happens." Don't sweat it. You do poorly, passivly say, "meh. I'll do better next time." It works.
Just hang in there. Your grades aren't always suppose to be perfect. If you are working hard that's all that matters. It's better to struggle and try really hard then not try and get great grades because it will bite those lazy people in the back later life. Your only bad grade is in English so it's ok. Tell your parents you tried really hard and try retaking English whenever you can. Remember this is a learning experience. I struggle in school and have gotten bad grades before. Just remember its not gonna matter ten years from now.
Ok first of all from what it sounds like YOU ARE NOT STUPID! Put some self confidence in you and STOP beating yourself up! What I suggest is that you sit down with the teachers that you have for the classes that you need to spend a little more time in and make a plan with them. One thing that I do to make sure that I have good grades is to take my text books home even when I don't get homework and review what I learned that day and learn ahead so I know once I have that test I will get a good mark in it. Don't worry about how high your friends marks are that doesn't concern you in any way, shape or form. So I hope that you will follow my advice and that this will help you.
P.S. Tell your parents about the grades so they can help you too.
Dude. Atleast they are not mine, I got 3 D's and 1 F, I have to repeat the 8th grade. I even tried as hard as I could to get good grades but I didn't. My parents are ashamed and my friends call me stupid and I'm not going into highschool with everyone else.
Better luck next time.
joint study is the best.
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