I'm Really BORED? Please reply and

I have reached a new level of boredom. I can go outside but my hoods a ghost town since my girlfriend moved. She moved just down the road but she's grounded for a month. Anyways lately I'm super bored. My car has no problems so nothing to fix or do on it (89 mustang) I'm 15. I'm type to be active. Saturday I watch tv from 8am to 3pm! I about went crazy! I have nothing to do! I hate video games an guitar can only be played so much. No one lives near me for miles besides girlfriend. Can't find a job. I'm really bored.Ps hate Internet also. My iPhones useless all I do is fb on it and fb is nothing but people whining about their life's. Please help seriously. Best answer I'll pick. Stupid replies are reported.

I know you said you hate internet but get Tumblr, its good for bordem and people arent insanely whiney like they are on fb… Or since you said you play guitar go busking, something to do and you get money! Hope this helped

Well, when I'm bored I tend to go watch a film or read a book, or text someone. I'm so lazy so I tend not to meet up with people, if I do they're either really close to me (relationship wise) or I'm extra bored.

do you have any creative hobbies like painting, sketching, writing? If you're active how about go for a run, or find out if there's some sort of club at your local sports centre? Hope I gave you some ideas!

Work out go for a run

If you can't find anything to do, why don't you try volunteer work or look for a club near you? For example a sports club as you say you say you are the type to be active. Not only will it give you something to do but it means you meet new people, make new friends and you will have a way to occupy your time. It also looks good on a job application as it will show that you are pro active and using your time in a positive way.

Iamsuperbored.com is pretty good. Especially the videos. There's only 5, but they're good