I bought an iPhone 11 recently and my mum is angry at me because of it. Is she right to be angry?
For the past 3 months, I've been using an iPhone 8. I then decided it was time for a new phone because I think that is an incredibly long time to have an iPhone. I've been saving up for quite some time now and I had enough money to purchase one. I bought myself a new iPhone 11 a couple of days ago. It's amazing! The camera is the best camera yet.
However, my mum isn't happy with me due to me getting the new iPhone 11. She thinks that it is a complete waste of money, and that the price of the iPhone 11 is criminal/daylight robbery. She then went onto say that I should've been saving up for things like helping her and my dad pay bills and stuff.
Is my mum right to be angry at this?
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Why didn't you just say you bought a new expensive phone and your mum is mad? Did we really need to know the make and model, and how horrible it is to be stuck with an iPhone 8?
Maybe she thinks you're acting like an entitled brat. Maybe she's right.
The truth is somewhere in the middle. Personally I don't think expensive phones are a very good investment in this day of age where even the latest models become obsolete within a few years. There are better things to spend your money on, in my opinion. On the other hand, it is your money, and you have the right to spend it in any way you want (besides on illegal substances, obviously). This way you will learn first hand what are and what aren't the responsible things to do with it.
I've had the same phone for YEARS and you get a new phone at three months, it is a bit wasteful.
I don't think you did anything wrong since you used your own money for it
I suppose it depends on how old you are. If you are a schoolchild and have saved up your pocket money for the phone - then that's OK I think. You could perhaps sell the old one and get some cash back on it.
If, however, you are an adult with a job and you are living at home cheaply - ie. Cheaper than if you went out and rented a flat - then I think you are insulting your parents who could probably do with a bit of extra cash. Parents allow their adult kids to live cheaply at home to help them get started on the property ladder and enable them to save money to get some capital behind them for the future. If that adult child then spends his/her cash on frivolities like a phone he/she doesn't actually NEED - but just fancies a new one to keep up with his/her mates and show off - then I think that is basically insulting to the parents. It's as if they have given up their share of food to enable their child to thrive and that child, instead of eating it and being grateful for his/her parents' sacrifice - throws it in the bin because he/she doesn't like the taste of it.
I think you're trolling, but in case you're not, of course your mother is right.
Yes. You can spend your money on anything you want when you are financially independent, but if you are living at home you should be looking to ease the financial burden on your parents. Not to give them all your money, but to help out. You need to remember your parents sacrifice their own ability to buy themselves new toys and other extravagances in order to have enough to provide for the family, and have your entire life, so it is a slap in the face for you to be so self serving. Hey, I'm not calling you selfish or trying to insult you, just agreeing with your Mom that you could have used the money to buy that phone better.
As long as you're a grown adult who never asks for a dime of assistance from your mom you can waste your money being Tim Cook's disciple and buying every stupid new gadget Apple releases. But know that you've now made it clear that you're rolling in disposable income so don't you dare ever even think of needing monetary assistance from anyone in your family.
You are a child so you not only do not own it, there's no way you can enter a contract that the phone comes with so how did you really use it? Oh wait you can't. They won't even sell a minor a phone and you can't use it since it can't be activated since you are a minor and can't enter a contract
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