I bought an iphone Xs. All the apps I liked can be found on google play store. Why can't I download google play store onto an iphone?

I bought an iphone Xs. All the apps I liked can be found on google play store. Why can't I download google play store onto an iphone?

Because they have an app store on iPhones

The App Store sucks so bad

Because Android-based apps don't work on iOS.

If "All the apps [you] liked can be found on google play store", then you should ditch the iPhone and get an Android-based smartphone.

Please sell your iPhone and go back to using an Android.

Android is a google sponsored one while IOS supports itself.

Simply put, the play store is for Android based apps, and the app store is for IOS (Apple) based apps, and they just don't play well together. There are a number of apps that are available in both stores, but you will have to look to see if the apps you Really want are available in the app store or not. If the apps you want are only available in the play store, then you will have to return the iPhone and return to using an Android based phone (pick the one you like best), so you can return to using the play store.

You can't transfer any apps from an Android phone to any iPhone. The reason is because the iPhone would not have a system to know whether the app you're downloading is compatible with the iPhone or not. It IS however possible to log into an account on an app that was downloaded onto the Android by downloading the compatible app on the iPhone.