I can't download nothing on my iPhone?

I can't download nothing on my iPhone? - 1

Is your Mobile Data switched on? If so, then there may be a problem with either your phone or your contract. I do advise you to know your rights before speaking to your service provider about this, as I have found they can try to dissuade you from addressing complaints by using technical jargon in-store. ^JB

Well… It could be that…
* data is off.
* your prepay service ran out of money.
* your version of iOS won't deal with newer version apps.
* there's no memory left on the phone so no place to store what you want to download.
* the phone is off.
* you want to download an android app, not an iOS app.
* it is iCloud locked.

A few more possibilities - we can't see what you see.

Turn on your Data. Or reboot your phone. For advance security of your smart phone, you must install Leo Privacy Guard app, with new design for user interface, simple, handy