I can't connect to Wi-Fi anymore, yet apple devices can?

My work place uses purely apple devices and I could always connect to the Wi-Fi but recently I could not even find the Wi-Fi signal with my phone, which is an android phone, I asked my friend about this and he couldn t find it either. But my other friend who has an iPhone could connect to it just fine as well as the other apple devices. Is there a way to get my phone to find and connect to the Wi-Fi again?

Try restarting the phone and then you might be able to connect.

The hardware MAC address identifies the manufacturer as well as providing a unique ID for the computer concerned. I suspect that as your company is oriented entirely towards Apple devices, they may have implemented some form of filter that blocks access from non-Apple devices.

However, you say you can't find the Wi-Fi signal. This suggests that they have suppressed the broadcast of the network name, which will mean it will no longer show as a network in your area. If a network name is not broadcast your device has to be configured differently to connect to a hidden network.

You should ask your company's IT team about this issue. You should also remember that you need permission to connect private devices to a company network to ensure that the company is aware of the device and any potential security risks this might raise for the company. Using a company network without permission can be grounds for dismissal, so ask if you can connect to the network, and if so what do you need to set up. If they say no, for your own job safety don't even attempt it.