I can't find my Wireless Password

Well, I've gotten an iphone and I tried to log into my Wi-Fi, and it ask for a password. I forgot the password. Could you help me find it? Now, I don't wanna download anything. I HAVE TRIED the cmd thingy and it still won't work. I've looked under my Router, that didn't work.

The original password is the facxtory default and is on the router.
Did you change the router pass?

Push the little depressed button behind or under the router to reset it. Then connect and setup a new pw.

Reset the router to default settings there should be a button on the back of the router hold it down till the light shut off then try to use the code on the bottom.

From the first time you connect to a wireless Internet network on your computer; your security password is stored in the memory of your machine. This is why after entering your password for the first time; you never have to enter it again.