I can't get Vincent for Final Fantasy VIl. Is the safe s combination different?

IIm playing final fantasy vii on my iPhone. I couldn t find all the numbers to the safe s combination so I looked them up online (R36 L10 R59 R97) I put the numbers in (correctly/without going past them) but they never made that sound that it supposed to make when you input the numbers (does it not acknowledge that I put the numbers in?) I want to get Vincent, but the safe won't open.

I'm pretty certain the combination is the same every time. You're pressing the confirm button at each of the numbers right? Took me a few tries before I figured that part out. That's the only thing I can think of that would be stopping it.

Check the places where the clues are hidden.

1) Room with plants, on the right side of the room
2) In the piano
3) Upstairs, there's a creaky floorboard.
4) On the letter, there's a hidden fourth option. Select it to read the last code.

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