I can't not lock my Apple Watch with iPhone someone else email is in watch! What should I do? Does it need to be charged first

I can't not lock my Apple Watch with iPhone someone else email is in watch! What should I do? Does it need to be charged first

Added (1). I can't not unlock my Apple Watch with my iPhone! Someone email is in it! What should I do! Do I need to charge it first?

You can try rebooting it, but it's probably the Activation Lock, which is meant to make a stolen watch useless.

The previous owner needs to release the lock by unpairing it from his phone or visiting Find My iPhone in iCloud and deleting the watch from his device list.

If he is having trouble with that, you both have to take it to the Genius Bar with the original purchase receipt so he can prove he owned it. Without that, Apple says no dice.