I can't afford to feed my kids?

I'm so pissed. I had no idea i was so broke. It turned out that i only had $2000 dollars on my bank account and i spent all of it on an iphone and a macbook. I'm so broke i can't even feed myself. Should i put my kids for adoption? They haven't ate for 2 days.

You should keep your legs closed so you won't have to struggle to feed no more innocent kids

Sell the iphone.

You should have cheeked your account first and if your smart enough to sell the mac and the phone then don't put them up for adoption if you have no heart then do what's best for the kids in your opion

Quit trolling. This is such a ridiculous scenario you can't be more than 12.

Have looked at your other questions you've posted
One says you are 17 and want to kill yourself
Another says you have a 6yr old daughter
Another says you are nervous about your first day of school

Quit trolling.

Don't feed the trolls