I can't find a good CHEAP place to buy manga

I have searched for a long time but i can't find a store(online to) that sells cheap (but usable) manga and i'm really frustrated, because i'm a HUGE manga/anime fan/ i don't really like reading things on my Iphone (or any device) i prefer real books so i would really appreciate anyone's help.

Manga, unless you can find an omnibus of the series you're looking for, is always going to be expensive. I guess you could check out used bookstores or even craigslist or ebay, but I doubt you'll have much luck. At least you'll still be paying $5 a volume, and that's if you hit a jackpot. And considering most manga have at least 5 volumes minimum… It'll still end up being expensive. Honestly, I used to absolutely hate reading manga online, but I trained myself to start putting up with it. I've spent over $200 on manga and I still don't have a complete set (except for my omnibus of Girl Friends, but that doesn't count.) I would just learn to put up with it if you need it cheap.

Some libraries might carry manga, too? Or you could spend a day in a bookstore reading, but that takes a lot of the fun of owning manga away.

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