I don't know what I want for Christmas?

I don't know what I want for Christmas and it's driving me crazy. I've been reading through a lot of questions like this for some kind of inspiration but so far I've got nothing (except some pretty ridiculous answers). I'm 14 and not really a girly girl (whenever I even hear about $200 shoes, I nearly throw up from the stupidity). I don't need make up or hair care products. I'm way more nerdy. I love Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson, and Mortal Instruments, and Hunger Games. Basically, I love books. And TV shows like Supernatural, and Smallville, and Revenge, and a ton of other stuff that's too much to list. I have a really wide taste in stuff (you probably can't tell though). I'm not saying I don't want clothes, but mostly just as small side items and stuff.

Stuff I Have:
iPod touch
pretty good phone (don't need an iPhone or anything)
TV (old one but I'm getting a new one for my B-day which is a month after Christmas)
Xbox 360 with kinect
A ton of other game consoles and games cause my older brother was a geek (I like them too though)
I got my room redone last year
I'm trying to teach myself an instrument but we already have a piano that my great aunt gave us and my brother has a guitar that he never uses so I'm good in that department.
I love books so much but my bookshelf is over flowing and I have a library card. Or I could do what I did for my birthday last year and go on a shopping spree at my fave cheapo book store.
Can't think of anything else…

Don't you dare tell me to give back to my community or whatever because you don't know my life, and I'm in the Hands Helping Others Club at school.
No pets. I have a wonderful cat and we're gonna adopt a dog from the shelter for my younger brother's Christmas present.
Don't say that I have too much and I'm spoiled because I got all of that over the years on different Christmases and with my money and some of it was a gift for the family. We're not bad off financially. We're not rich but we're not poor, so don't go there.
No surprises. If I say that, my mom will murder me. She hates that answer.

I'm Interested In:
A really good camera. I'm kind of wondering whether I'll use it as much as I think though… I'm into photography and art. And music. And weird things.
Maybe a Harry Potter wand or something? Yeah, I'm one of those memorabilia nerds… (into books, shows, movies, anime, and comics, etc, for anyone who has ideas)
And not really sure what else.

Any ideas? Please and thank you. (and yes, I'm specific with my questions.)

You can try looking at gifts.com

Uhm there's this book called Wreck This Journal and basically it just lets your creative juices flow out. It's really cool. You can search it up on Amazon.com
You can ask for TV series on DVD.
Any jewelry that has to do with HP or Hunger Games.
Beginner musicians book or music sheets.
Uh, you could just ask for like gift cards to different stores.

New BMX Bike, or Big LCD TV in your room, or one ticket for vacation to another state.

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