I don't know what this means? Also has this happened to anyone else in the night?

So two days a go in the night my mum and my brother was asleep, except for me obviously, I was in my bedroom and I was just gonna go to sleep, and at the top left corner of my room, I heard three knocks I literally ran out the room. I put the torch on my iPhone then I just went downstairs and put the ps3 on, and I had college the next day so I forget about what happened the night before, then just earlier today I heard three quick knocks on the same place again. I then called out to who was there and why did they do it, I caught an orb on camera but since I've been hearing it I felt calm, what does this exactly mean? Am I being told by an unseenforce? And also my cousin has recently got kidney failure, he has about 7 or 8 years to live, and I'm quite worried about him.

You're kidding, right? You want us to believe that a college student acted like a twelve-year-old and rushed out of her room because she heard a noise, but forgot about it by the time she got to the living room and so started up the game machine?
<what does this exactly mean?> It means you're making up a story.

How? How?
Mai, you're giving the numbers? Eh!

It means your imagination is on over drive

You ran out of your room because you heard three knocks?