I don't want to fall asleep

So, I don't really want to fall asleep, bit I'm tired. At this point I'd get 3 1/2 hours of sleep. So basically, do you guys think that no sleep would be a good option? I have the tv and iPhone to keep me awake! Tomorrow (well today lol since its 5:30) I will be waking up at 9 ( or stay up the whole night) and then drive 1 hour ( I could possibly sleep ), then my mom is getting her lashes done ( I can sleep on their couch for another hour) and then I'm getting my eyebrows waxed! Then, we're driving back ( another hour ) and then going to the pool then that's it. So, should I stay awake or get my 3 1/2 hours of sleep?


Aware this could be a symptom… But it is also something many people do. The fact is your body will get the sleep it needs one way or another, eventually. I worked nights and shifts for many years and sometimes used to stay up all night and all day… But you can't do it forever.

Sleeping like that is not a good option. Definitely get your 3 hours of sleep. Get as much sleep as possible. Staying up like that and pushing yourself to exhaustion will get you physically sick. I know this because i do it all the time. You can really get sick and it will mess up your sleeping schedule. So sleep as must as you can, my advice drink alot of water too so you won't be dehydrated. It will also help your stomach.

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