I dropped my iPhone in the bath?
I dropped my iPhone in the bath but I took it out straight away everything looks like it works fine but it is stuck in headphone mode so my music won't play through the speakers and when I ring people it won't come through it has to be through headphones or on loud speaker I put it on the radiator but it still has t worked
Becky you so silly!
Put it in a container full of rice for a few hours to absorb the water. If that doesn't work, you're screwed.
Take it to apple, tell them it doesn't work anymore, and that your warranty is still good ( I hope so ) don't tell them you dropped it in the bath, tell them it happened one day and make up an excuse. They might give you a refund
Put it in something like dry rice and leave it for about 12 hours. Might successfully dry it out…
Put it in some uncooked rice for about 24 hours and allow the rice to absorb all the water molecules from the phone which might be preventing the phone from working correctly. Don't put back the phone in a radiator as you may damage it, neither should you use a hair dryer since the extra heat might damage small circuits on the circuit board.
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