I dropped my iphone, the brightness is really low now?

So I dropped it but it wasn't that bad, it landed on carpet. However, now the brightness is super low to where you almost can't see anything. I tried to turn it up but it didn't work. There are no cracks or anything. Everything else seems to be working fine. Any ideas on how to fix this?

The fall damaged the backlight.

Assuming you do not have cellphone insurance, you will have to pay out of pocket for the repairs. Either the cellphone store or Apple Store would handle this.

However, it would probably be cheaper to bring it to a local cellphone repair shop.

Search the Internet "iphone repair [your town]" or look in the local newspaper's ads.

I had the total opposite problem. Dropped and now is brighter like a halo around the screen, I still use it it's not to bad. But the only way to fix it is it can be repaired it might cost around $100.00 I'd fix mine but can't afford to at this moment.

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