I found an iPhone and I don't know what to do with it?
I was on a coach bus and I saw an iPhone 6or 6s stuck between the seats, and I have the same phone so I thought it was mine and just threw it in my bag, then later when I got home I noticed I had an extra phone. It was clearly from a previous trip because it was only me an my cheer team on the bus and no one on the was looking for a phone, also I was sitting alone so I know it's not from my group. Anyway I posted adds on a few sites that was like "I found this phone, if you can give me the pass code and it works I'll get it back to you" and contacted the coach liner we used and they said it's out of their hands because I took it off the bus. So I tried to return it but it's been like a two months and no one has claimed it so like what do I do with it? Can I keep it? If so how do I reset it? ALSO it says "no service" which I looked up and means it's "black listed". Someone just tell me what to do please.
Just bring it to any Apple store and they will know what to do.
Take it to an apple store and have them figure out who owns it. If it has not been locked, then their tech can turn it on and call the owner. It is probably registered by serial number as well. They will be able to find the owner. Don't let the line staff play with it, take it to the manager.
Another approach is to open the sim card slot, pull the sim card out and put that in an unlocked phone. That will allow you to find out the phone number, and when you know the carrier, then they can phone the customer. Some sim cards carry phone numbers of family members and if the sim card has phone numbers on it like home, or mom and dad, or something personal then you can call them to find out who lost the phone and who owns the number. That way you could send it to the owner.
That is what I would do. Probably pull the sim card and find out the carrier, and who owned the phone.
Call some numbers on it and ask if they know whose it is
The Right Thing to do is turn it in at a phone store or police station.
If you leave your name and address,
you might get the phone back if it isn't claimed by the rightful owner.
It is "blacklisted" because it was reported lost or stolen.
You won't be able to have it activated
or do anything else useful with it
as long as it remains blacklisted.
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- I found an Iphone, i don't know what to do with it? I found an iphone, and i called the owner, and she doesn't need it anymore and told me to do whatever i want with it. Can i sell it? And who can i sell it to for the most price? Its a blue iphone 4. It has a cracked screen but its not that bad.
- I found an iPhone 4s and don't know what to do? So i found this phone and saw that when i opened it it said "please call me, i lost my phone". Anyways it had the number so i gave it a shot and called the number. It was an older women and she said she had already gotten a new one and to just take her number off? I now don't know what to do with it. Also, the screen is so cracked it won't unlock. So if anyone would help me out it would be great! And also the phone is a verizon and i have sprint. So please help. Thnks1