I hate how I look on my iphone camera?

I'm 19 right now and for the longest probably since I was 14(which is when I had the iphone), I've had incredibly low self-esteem because of how nerdy and weird I look when I make a vid of myself talking or taking pics of myself. In the mirror, I look pretty good most of the time and that's saying something considering I have really low self-esteem. I also look pretty decent in a few pics that people take of me from a distance, selfie pics that I take with the iphone I look pretty horrible 95% of the time. Should I keep making vid recordings of myself using the iphone and try to improve on what looks weird and best to me or should I just be happy with how I look in the mirror?

Maybe it's the way your hair is parted? In the mirror it's the upset from what others see. Also most people look better in the mirror. I think I'm a solid 3 but in the mirror I look like a 7or 8 until I take a picture