I have a strong interest in dreams and lucid dreaming?

I don't know why the idea of dreaming is so fascinating to me.
Do you know of any sites or apps I can use to teach me more about it? I already have the iDream app, also I have an iPhone. I read most facts about dreams and if you have any good author recommendations please list them below!

Just make it a habit to periodically as yourself, say at the top of every hour, "Am I dreaming now? Is anything unusual happening now?" Eventually you will start to ask yourself the same questions even in your dreams. When you answer yourself with something along the lines of, "Why yes I'm flying," you will know you are dreaming.

There's a book a called The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda.

It is not the easiest book to read and some of the ideas within will seem strange at first. But I did use it to attempt lucid dreaming. I managed to lucid dream and pass through the first gate. Possibly even the second. It has been some time since I did this but I have had about seven lucid dreams. One of the most memorable was one where I could actually see my dream body consciously look at my hand and project my dream body to fly to wherever I wanted to go to. I even remember astral projecting out of my sleeping body across my room outside of my house and then onto a very different dreamscape. I travelled hundreds of miles quite effortlessly to my parental home in London where I spoke to my mother and sister. I remember speaking to my sister and saying I know I'm dreaming I'm consciously dreaming. She actually said back what you are seeing right now is not a dream but real! I was able to hold my gaze on her face for around 30 seconds. It changed colour to the point it slowly began to change shape. The thought that this may not be my sister at all but a scout frightened me enough to return to my sleeping body hundreds of miles away in the south west of Britain, and then wake myself up.

I have also had other lucid dreams where I know I'm dreaming and am able to levitate and actually feel the sensation of levitation throughout my entire body. It is a wonderful and empowering feeling.

One lucid dream I had though I was not so empowered and I was climbing this steep hill and in doing so was breathing and panting very heavily. It was like my body was actually performing the exercise in conscious life. The hill become so steep and my breathing so laboured I actually forced myself to wake up fearful that I was going to give myself a heart attack if I continued. My breathing upon waking was very heavy and my heart beating fast and hard.

So by all means get into lucid dreaming, you will have some magnificent dreams from it, but do so with caution. The scouts Carlos Castaneda describes are frightening inorganic beings and need to treated with respect. Research and learn more before you attempt this difficult to master exercise. I'm no master either and have not attempted it for a while, however reading your post has given me the desire to recommence my investigation and experimentation with it.

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