I just bought a motorcycle and was wondering what is the best way to talk on the phone while riding?

Or maybe listening to a music. I don't plan on doing that by default but if and when it is needed I want to be able to have that option available. What do people use as far as communicators are concerned>

I have a cruiser bike and a full on helmet HJC CL-17 to be exact. My phones an iPhone SE (Special Edition).

It's dangerous i think

Pull over and call them back is what i do, i put my phone on vibrate, you need your ears open, where you can hear. Not listen to music with headphones or buds.

Riding is a 110% ATTENTION LEVEL activity- DON't ADD MORE!

The best way to talk on the phone while riding is to pull over off the road, legal parking area, shut down the motor, take off your helmet, use the phone.

The best way to crash and burn is to get Bluetooth headset and use the phone while moving while ignoring the traffic.

Like, , dude.

No idea about talking on the phone whilst riding, but do know it's the best way to die. You need zero distraction while riding a motorcycle because one false move and you're dead.

They make head sets that hook up to your helmet for years now
My gold wing has had it for years and it works flawlessly

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