I just chipped my iPhone 4S?

I dropped it and 2 corners chipped. I told my mom, but she said she is tired of me doing "stupid things for attention." This is the first time I have chipped my phone. I did not intentionally drop it because believe me, I can't afford to pay the price that Apple will have me pay if I take it to the store. I wouldn't purposely drop it. I have no way of getting to the store, either, because my mom is upset with me. I was just wondering what there's to do? Should I maybe email apple or something? I don't want my phone to get worse than it already is so answers will be appriciated thank you

Go on amazon. They sell parts for cheap. And self reppair kits

E-mailing apple won't help much with your problem. You would have to call your phone provider (Att&t, verizon or who ever). You would have to know all your account info like your cell number, the persons name who is on the account and possibly a pass code so no one else would be able to access the account. But if you do want to call them you first have to make sure you even have some kind of damage insurance plan or not. From knowledge they don't cover chips, but you could always say the phone is acting weird or some thing of the sorts. Any who if you don't have any kind of insurance plan and the chips really do bother you. In my opinion you have two options. 1. You can go the pricey route and buy a new Iphone 4S or 2.go the cheaper alternative route and just buy a nice case for your phone. Not only are there literally hundreds and even thousands of cases of stylish cases (depending on your taste), but cases are also very practical. The reason why I say it's practical is because it will keep your phone from being damaged when you drop it