I lost my iPhone 5 and it hade a contract?

I bought a iPhone 5.3 weeks ago. And I lost it and it hade a contract. I'm a teenager and my parents don't know yet. What will happen? I'm freaking out!

Was it lost or stolen? If it was stolen I would call the carrier and tell them if its just lost try to remember where you last had it or try calling it. It will turn up eventually. I lost my iPhone 5 too. I was freaking out but then found it 3 days later in my car.

You should use find my iPhone to track it and get it back. If it isn't showing up on their or if you didn't set it up on their then you should send a text to it with your information and hope they get back to you. If not you may have to go to your carrier and deactivate it to prevent any charges to your account.

You must tell them i think you can find it by the ime code or some thing like this and you can yous the apple track Feature chek source you can call it if youre shour of the place but be carful if it sound may be some one here it and tacke it befor you see it good luck

You have to tell them

Ask to add insurance… Maybe they'll cover you but will cost money… Like 200 compared to 700

First, call your carrier and block the IMEI or MEID of the phone so others can't use it as phone. Second, tell your parents about it.