I lost my phone and I'm pretty sure it's in my house. It's offline/dead. And my Wi-Fi or location services?

We're not hooked up to "find my iPhone". I have a tile. But the phone is dead so it's useless. Any other ideas on how i can try to find it? I've looked everywhere

Backtrack everywhere you been in house and you oughta come across your phone

Just keep looking. Or if you are like me, buy a new one and next time you put it down the old one will be right there in the same place.

All you can do is keep looking for it. If it electrically dead there are no tracking methods that are going to highlight it!

If you have genuinely "looked everywhere" in your house, ans have failed to find it then it's no longer in your house and so you need to look elsewhere.

But if you're still pretty sure it's in your house then you definitely haven't looked everywhere so need to continue to search thoroughly until you find it. If necessary that means emptying each room in turn and then putting everything back, which will certainly find other stuff you've lost and a whole lot of useless clutter you can probably throw away or at least put away tidily.